Let's talk digital

Key performance marketing terms


From basic terms like CPC and Reach to more complicated concepts such as CRO, A/B Testing, and CPLs, the world of performance and digital marketing is not as straightforward as it may seem. 

At Marketing Nest, we believe in transparency and ensuring that you comprehend every aspect of what we do. So, we  prepared this essential digital marketing dictionary to familiarise yourself with the terminology we frequently use and bridge the gap between your and our teams. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the digital realm, this guide will demystify the jargon we use and provide you with clarity on what you can expect when you partner with us!

B  C  E  F  G  I  J  K  L  M  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V W  X  Y  Z


A/B Testing is a continuous process of running different variations of an ad or landing page to determine what performs the best.

Ad Copy is the text and creative elements of an advertisement designed to attract and engage the target audience. 

Ad Creative refers to the visual (banner/video) and textual components (ad copy, headline) of an ad.

Ad Extensions are any links or calls-to-action, such as sitelinks, call extensions, or location extensions.

Ad Placement is the location on a webpage or app where an ad is displayed.

Ad Rank refers to the position of an ad on the search results page, determined by factors like bid amount, quality score, and ad format.

Advertising Network is a platform that connects advertisers with websites that want to host ads. For example, Google advertising networks includes Google, Youtube, Gmail. Google Maps and many other websites where your ads can be placed. 

Algorithm is a set of rules and calculations used by search engines and social media platforms to determine which ads and posts to show to which users.

Attribution involves determining which marketing touchpoints contribute to a conversion or sale. For example if a user bought a product after seeing a display ad on Youtube, Youtube would get attributed this sale.

Audience refers to a targeted set of people that advertisers select to display their ads to.

Audience Segmentation involves dividing a target audience into smaller groups based on demographics, behaviors, or other criteria.


A banner ad is a type of digital advertisement displayed in various sizes and formats on websites, typically at the top, bottom, or sides of a webpage. The banner itself is the image of the ad. 

Banner Blindness is a  phenomenon where users consciously or subconsciously ignore banner ads due to their frequent presence on websites. That’s why its important to place banner ads in reputable placements (websites) and have targeted audiences, making the banners relevant to the viewers. 

Bis is the amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for an ad placement in an auction-based advertising model, such as pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

Brand Awareness refers to the the extent to which consumers recognize and recall a brand’s name, logo, or products within a specific market.

Backlink means a link from another website to yours. High-quality (i.e. relevant and reputable) backlinks can have a positive impact on your website’s SEO.

Bounce Rate is the percentage of people that leave your website only after seeing one page. This is a very good metric when exploring what content your audience is interested in.


Campaign optimisation is the process of fine-tuning and improving digital advertising campaigns to achieve better results, such as higher click-through rates (CTR) or lower cost per acquisition (CPA). It is an interchangeable term with CRO where the optimization efforts focused on driving more conversions. 

CPA (Cost Per Action) is an average cost of each desired action such as conversion. For example if your goal was to get new subscribers and you spent €100 and got 20 subscribers , your CPA is €5.

CPC (Cost Per Click) is the amount you pay each time a user clicks on your ad.

CPL (Cost Per Lead), similarly to CPA, CPL is the cost to gain a customer or lead through an ad campaign. For example, if you spent €100 and gained 2 new customers, your CPA is €50.

CPM (Cost Per Mille) stands for the cost of reaching a thousand people through an ad.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is the process of optimizing elements of a campaign, website, or landing page to increase its conversion rate.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)  is the percentage of users who click on your ad. For example a 10% CTR means that out 100 people who saw your ad, 10 have clicked it.

Conversion refers to completing a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on an ad.

Conversion Tracking is the practice of monitoring and measuring the actions users take on a website or digital platform after interacting with an advertisement. It allows advertisers to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns and understand which ads are driving desired user actions or conversions. Conversion tracking typically involves using tracking codes or pixels to gather data on user behavior, allowing advertisers to optimize their campaigns for better results. 


Data Analytics or web analytics is enables you to collect, analyze, and interpret data from various online sources, providing you with insights to make informed marketing decisions.

Digital Marketing Involves online promotional activities (both paid and organic) across digital channels like websites, social media, email, and search engines, with a goal to engage target audiences effectively.

Direct Traffic refers to the visitors who reach a website by directly typing the URL into their browser or using bookmarks, rather than clicking on a link from an ad or another site. 

Display Ads are a type of digital advertising that involves visual ads such as banners and videos appearing on websites and apps.

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric that determines a website’s rank on SERP. It is measured from 1 to 100, with 100 being the best. Keep in mind that only websites like Youtube or Facebook have a DA of 100, so for a regular business, a DA of 50-60 and more is considered good. You can check your DA here.

Dynamic Ads are ads that automatically personalize content, such as products or messages, based on the user’s behavior, preferences, or demographics

Dynamic Keyword Insertion is a feature that allows advertisers to automatically insert the user’s search query into their ad text, increasing relevance. 


Earned Media is any exposure that is gained through organic means, such as social media shares, mentions, and positive reviews. This is one of the key goals advertisers should aim for when positing organic content!

In short, E-commerce refers to buying and selling of products or services over the internet. Its one of the fastest growing industries with new e-shops popping up everyday! 

Engagement is any interaction users have with an ad, such as likes, shares, comments, etc. Whilst Engagement Rate is the percentage of users who engaged with your ad.

Event is any specific action or interaction that users take on a website or digital platform, such as clicking a button or completing a form.

Event Tracking refers to monitoring and analyzing user interactions, such as clicks, downloads, and form submissions, to measure the effectiveness of specific events on a website. To track events on your website & social channels you need to add pieces of code called tags and pixels.

Exact Match is a type of keyword matching option in online advertising where ads are shown only when the user’s search query matches the keyword exactly. For example if you have exact keyword [performance marketing agency] on your campaign, your ad would only appear when people search for this exact term, rather than a similar version like ‘advertising agency’.

Evergreen Content is content that remains relevant and valuable over time, providing consistent value to users. Every business should aim to generate evergreen content as it can keep bringing you organic traffic as well as it can be quickly repurposed. 

Exclusion List is a list of specific websites, apps, or content where advertisers choose not to display their ads.

External Link is a type of link that directs users to a different domain or website from the one they are currently on. For example, the link to Wikipedia in this sentence is an external link because it points to a website hosted on the domain wikipedia.org.


First-Party Data is data collected directly from users through interactions with a business, such as website visits, app usage, or newsletter sign-ups. It is considered to be most more reliable and valuable data business can have. 

Frequency is the average number of times an ad is shown to the same user during a specific period.

Funnel is a visual representation of the customer journey from awareness to conversion, often divided into stages such as Awareness- Consideration-Conversion.

Another popular funnel model is AIDA which stands for Awareness-Interest-Desire-Action. As you can see these funnel models signify the level of interest a customer has in a brand or product and our job as advertisers is to use different messages to appeal to people in these different stages. 

Full-funnel strategy is a marketing strategy that targets audiences across the whole funnel, namely from awareness, consideration to conversion.


Geotargeting is a technique that allows advertisers to deliver their ads to specific geographic locations, ensuring that the ads are shown only to users in those areas. Geotargeting can be very wide and target all countries in LATAM for example, as well as it can target specific zip codes or neighborhoods!

GDN (Google Display Network) is network of websites and apps that partner with Google to display ads. Advertisers can use GDN to reach a wide audience through various ad formats.

In short, Google Ads is an online advertising platform where advertisers can create and display ads on Google’s search engine and other partner websites. It’s the #1 tool in our arsenal at Marketing Nest!

Google Analytics is a web analytics service created by Google that tracks and reports website & app traffic, providing valuable insights for digital advertisers about their target audiences, conversions and content effectiveness. 

Google Partner is a certification program recognizing agencies proficient in managing Google tools like Google Ads, Google Analytics and more, ensuring clients receive best quality services. To keep the certification we have to always learn about the latest Google tool developments as well as continuously grow client acounts, ensuring maximum performance. 


High-Intent Keywords are keywords that indicate a strong intent from the user to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or requesting more information. These keywords are valuable for PPC campaigns as they often lead to higher conversion rates. An example high intent keyword would be ‘ where to buy new car’ or ‘open restaurants Limassol’. 


Impression refers to when an ad is displayed or shown to users. It’s a basic metric that measures the reach or visibility of an ad.

Impression Share is a metric that indicates the percentage of times your ads were shown out of the total available impressions. It provides insights into the competitiveness of your ad campaigns.

In-Stream Ads is a type of video ads that are shown within streaming content, such as in the middle of a video on platforms like YouTube or social media.

Inventory in the world of advertising, refers to available ad placements or space on websites, apps, or other digital platforms where ads can be displayed or shown.


Keywords & Negative Keywords are specific words or phrases that advertisers bid on (keywords) or exclude (negative keywords) to target or avoid certain search queries.

Keyword Research is the process of identifying and selecting relevant keywords and phrases to target in advertising campaigns.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) stands for any performance target or result that you want to achieve. Most common KPI’s we use is number of leads, CPL, ROAS.


Landing Page is a specific page on your website where users are directed after clicking on your ad. Usually landing pages are designed to encourage specific actions or conversions; for example, a black friday discount landing page that displays a special limited-time offer.

Lead Generation is the process of attracting and converting potential customers or leads through various marketing strategies. This is one of the most popular and important KPI’s for any business. 


Link Building refers to the practice of acquiring quality backlinks to  your website to improve its search engine ranking and authority. A quality backlink in this scenario means it being from a reputable website within the same or relevant industry. Keep in mind that irrelevant backlinks can actually hurt your SEO!

Long-Tail Keywords are specific and often longer search phrases that target a niche audience, typically used in SEO and content marketing. An example of a long tail keyword would be ‘how to create a digital marketing strategy that drives conversions’.

Building Lookalike Audiences is a powerful tool where we create audience segments based on similarities to existing customer data. This allows you to reach new people who are most likely to engage with your brand.

Low Hanging Fruit refers to the easiest and most accessible opportunities for improvement or growth in a digital marketing strategy. It’s always a good idea to implement these easy strategies and then move onto more complicated optimisations!

LTV (Customer Lifetime Value) stands for the net profit a company expects to earn from a customer throughout their entire relationship with the business.


Machine Learning refers to a functionality of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computers to learn and improve from experience, often used in programmatic advertising to optimize targeting and bidding strategies. In short, machine learning means that machine is learning from its own experience.

A Meta Description is a brief summary or description of a web page’s content. It is often included in the HTML of a webpage and is displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) to provide users with information about the page’s content before they click on the link. Having relevant meta descriptions is one of the must-have’s when working on on-page SEO!

Meta Tags are page titles and descriptions of your website that are seen on the search engine results page. If you Google your website, you can see the Meta Title and Meta Description of your website. 

The meta title, also known as the title tag, is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. It is displayed on the browser’s title bar and in search engine results. The meta title is an important on-page SEO element and should accurately reflect the content of the page!

Mobile Advertising stand for advertising activities specifically designed and optimized for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile ads are created to provide a seamless and engaging user experience on smaller screens and are an essential component of digital marketing strategies.

Mobile Optimization means ensuring that a website is usable on phones. For example, the images are not too big, buttons are clickable, and everything else is functional. With almost 60% of all website traffic starting on mobile search, it is essential to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly

Monetisation is the ultimate goal of any marketing activity. It refers to the process of generating revenue from digital content, services, or apps, often through advertising, subscriptions, or in-app purchases. Monetisation strategies are employed by content creators and app developers to earn income from their digital products or services.


Native Ads are like chameleons of advertising.  That’s because Native Advertising refers to ad formats that seamlessly blend in with the content or user experience of the platform on which they appear, making them less disruptive and more engaging. 

Negative Keywords are keywords that advertisers exclude from ad campaigns to ensure that their ads do not appear for irrelevant or undesirable search queries.

Network Advertising is advertising that is distributed across a network of websites or platforms, often managed by ad networks or programmatic advertising platforms. For example Google advertising network covers Google as well as Youtube, Gmail and a variety of partner websites. 

Non-skippable Ads are video ads that viewers cannot skip. A popular place where non-skippable ads appear is before or during YouTube videos. 

In the context of digital advertising, “noise” refers to the clutter and competition for attention online. Effective ads should cut through the noise to capture viewers’ attention.

Nurturing means guiding potential customers or leads through a series of marketing efforts and content to build trust and eventually convert them into paying and loyal customers.


Off-Page SEO stands for any SEO activities done externally. Most popular example is getting backlinks and mentions of your page on other websites such as directories, media outlets or reputable sites within the industry.

On-Page SEO refers to any SEO activities that can be done directly on your website. Optimizing  Meta Tags or URL’s  as well as publishing relevant and valuable content are all examples of on-page SEO.

Online Advertising stands for any form of advertising that takes place online. For example, display ads, search ads, social media ads are all examples of online advertising. 

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the practice of monitoring and boosting a brand’s online image. ORM activities take place on social media, email marketing, gathering reviews and and other online channels that can increase brands digital profile. 

Open Web refers to the unrestricted part of the internet, excluding closed ecosystems like social media and specific search engines, where publishers, brands, and retailers operate independently. The opposite of ‘open web’ is  ‘walled garden’ which are essentially social media and search platforms environment, like Instagram or Google.

Organic Traffic refers to the number of website visitors that find your page ‘organically’ on search results; i.e. not through paid activities like search ads or banners. The best way to increase one’s organic traffic is by working on website’s SEO. 

Opt-in refers to a consent  given by users agreeing to receive marketing messages from advertisers. Subscribing to an email or accepting future promotional offers are forms of opt-ins. 

Overlay Ad is a type of display ad that overlays the content a user is browsing.  The most common example is YouTube overlay ads where a small banner appears at the bottom of the screen. Another example is a semi-transparent layer over website content. Overlay ads are most used to advertise promotions or announcements. 

Owned Media stands for any digital assets and content that the rand owns. Company’s website, blog, social media accounts are all a part of owned media. 



Overdelivery happens when an ad campaign exceeds the specified budget or impressions due to variations in ad serving, often leading to additional costs. However, the key reason for overdelivery is lack of campaign monitoring!


Page Authority (PA) is very similar to Domain Authority (DA). It simply refers to the value a search engine assigns to a specific page of a website. The metric scores pages from 1 to 100 with higher scores meaning the better ability to rank on SERP’s (Search Engine Results Page).

PageRank is a system used by Google to rank websites on SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). It essentially measures how important the website is based on its relevance, backlinks, and other metrics.

Pageview is a metric to measure the the number of times web pages were loaded on the user’s browser. So this metric can be applied to the whole website, where in Google Analytics you would see all the page views compiled or you can see pageviews of each page on your website to analyse which page content is the most popular. 

Paid Media refers to any advertising that that involves paying for ad space or placement, such as PPC, social media and display ads. Also, TV ads, print ads and out-of-home ads such s billboards fall under the umbrella of paid media. 

Paid Search is one of the most popular forms of digital advertising where advertisers bid on keywords to have their ads displayed alongside relevant search results.

Paid Social refers to running paid campaigns on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, in order to promote your brand among target audiences.

Personalisation refers to tailoring ads to specific individuals or audience segments based on their preferences and behavior. This is one of the keys to effective advertising and can be done by using machine learning, dynamic campaigns or deploying very targeted campaigns! 

Performance Marketing, a sub-branch of digital marketing, is a purely results-oriented and data-driven approach that aims to achieve measurable goals like leads and conversions. It ensures efficient ad spending and the accomplishment of specific objectives. Read more about the difference between performance & digital marketing here. 

Placement refers to the specific location or position where an ad is displayed on a website or within an app. For example you can select social media placements (a.k.a Placement Trageting) which would mean you choose whether you ad is shown on stories, feeds, messenger or somewhere else!

Pixel is a small piece of code placed on a website to track user interactions and gather data for ad targeting and measurement. For example, all key social media platforms have pixels (Facebook Pixel, Twitter Pixel, LinkedIn Pixel etc.) which track user interactions between the social media platform and your website. 

Pop-up Ad is an ad that appears in a new browser window or overlay on top of a website’s content. Usually they are used to showcase limited time promotions or gather leads. 

Predictive Analytics is a fairly new activity where using data and algorithms one can forecast future trends and outcomes in advertising. For example new GA4 (Google Analytics) have this predictive analytics functionality which can be leveraged when developing advertising campaigns. 

Privacy Policy is a statement that outlines how a website or company collects and uses user data, often required for compliance with data protection regulations.

Programmatic Advertising is the pinnacle of performance marketing. Using AI and machine learning programmatic advertising is a fully automated mode of deploying ads in real-time using algorithms and data. Also programmatic advertising is the most targeted and accurate way of advertising with the biggest potential for global reach due to huge global networks that run on principles of  programmatic marketing. 

Publisher in the world of digital marketing refers to the owner or operator of a website or app where ads are displayed. Digital magazines, newsletters and blogs are  all examples of publishers online. 

Push Notification is a type of an ad that comes in the shape of a message sent to a user’s device, often from a mobile app, to deliver updates or promotional content. 

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a model of digital advertising where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Most common form of PPC are search ads, display ads, video ads and social media ads.  PPC is one of the most popular forms of online advertising because an advertiser only pays per click whilst the messages can be targeted to very specific audiences maximising the probability of click and eventually conversion!


ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) measures how much revenue a company earns for each euro spent on advertising. For example, a ROAS of 5 means the company generated €5 in revenue for every €1 spent on ads.

ROI (Return on Investment) evaluates the profitability of an investment, measuring the total gain from a marketing campaign compared to its cost.

Retargeting also called Remarketing is a powerful technique of targeting users who previously interacted with your brand on your website or social channels. Remarketing is used in both paid search and paid social to increase ad conversion rates and maximise budget spend.

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) is a process where ad inventory is bought and sold in real-time auctions, allowing advertisers to bid on impressions as they become available. RTB is mostly used in programmatic advertising networks.

Responsive Ads are advertisements that automatically adjust their size, format, and appearance to fit different devices, placements and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience.

Reach refers to the the total number of unique users who are exposed to an advertisement or campaign during a specific time period. Haing as big reachas possible is most often used as a KPI for brand awareness campaigns. For other campaign objectives advertisers look more closely on more specific metrics like CTR, CPC and number of conversions. 

Rich Media refers to interactive and visually engaging digital advertisements. Common rich media examples include animated cubes,  in- banner search, scrollable banners, countdown ads, survey ads, 360 ads and others that have interactive features.

Relevance Score is a metric used in social media advertising platforms like Facebook to assess the relevance and quality of an ad’s targeting and content. On Google Ads this is referred to as Quality Score.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) is a powerful feature in Google Ads that allows advertisers to target previous website visitors with customised search ads when they search for related keywords on Google.

Rotation refers to the way different ad variations are shown to users. Most popular rotation types are sequences (where an advertiser sets up a sequence of messages/banners to display) or automatic rotation where the platform algorithms determine the most relevant ad variation. The point of using ad rotation is to prevent ad fatigue and increase engagement.  


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is an area of digital marketing that involves promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertising (PPC) and organic optimization (SEO). 

Great search engine marketing puts your website in front of motivated customers when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimising a website and its content  to improve website’s visibility in organic (unpaid) search engine results. There are 100’s of metrics that determine websites SEO ranking which you can improve by continuously working on on-page and off-page SEO activities. 


Search Query refers to the specific keywords or phrases entered by users in a search engine when looking for information, products, or services. Essentially is whatever you put in wen searching on Google, Bing or any other search engine. 

Segmentation means dividing one’s target market into smaller, more specific groups based on shared characteristics like demographics, interests, or behavior for targeted advertising.

Sequential Messaging is a powerful digital advertising strategy that involves showing a series of ads in a specific order to guide users through a narrative or sales funnel from awareness to conversion. 

SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is the page shown by a search engine in response to a user’s query, displaying a list of web pages relevant to the query.

Shopping Cart Abandonment happens when users add items to an online shopping cart but do not complete the purchase. To track this information on abandoned carts, the advertiser must have marketing tags and events set up. If this information is available, retargeting users with abandoned shopping carts is a powerful strategy in delivering eCommerce sales. 

Site Link Extensions are additional clickable links included in search ads that lead to specific pages of the website. Depending on the ad, the sitelinks can be linking to different product categories or provide info on the business by linking to contact or blog pages. 

Skippable Ad is a type of video ad that viewers have the option to skip after a certain duration, typically after the first few seconds. Therefore if you are producing a video that will be placed as a skippable ad, you should put your key message in the first 5 seconds of the video! 

Social Proof comes in many forms online. For example social proofs like reviews, likes, shares, comments and similar endorsements help build credibility of a brand. Nowadays building social proof is crucial because 82% of consumers trust ratings and reviews as much as (or more than) they do recommendations from family members or friends.



Sponsored Content is a type of native advertising where the content is presented in a way that appears similar to the surrounding non-sponsored content providing a seamless experience. 

Session refers to a single visit to a website by a user, which can encompass multiple page views and interactions within that visit. A long session time means that the users are finding what they are looking for, whilst a short session time means that the content of the website could be improved. 


Target Audience refers to specific group of individuals or customers that a marketing campaign is designed to reach and engage with. Target audience usually fits within the demographic or interest profile of the brands target market. 


Targeting stands for the process of selecting specific demographics, interests, or behaviors of users in aims to tailor advertisements to a particular audience and improve ad performance. 

Text Ad is a type of online ad where the most of the advertisement is text-based. Most common example of text ads would be search ads. 

Top-of-Funnel (TOF) refers to the initial stage in the customer journey. These customers are  aware of a brand or product, often as a product of awareness-focused marketing campaigns. Also, these customers need to be nurtured in order to advance trough the funnel and eventually get converted!

Traffic is the visitors or users who come to a website, app, or online platform. It can be categorized as organic traffic (unpaid), paid traffic, direct traffic, and more.


Tracking tags or simply tags are small pieces of code to track individual events on your site. So whist pixel monitors whole website, tracking tags monitors one specific event such as the call button. Please note that each event you want tracked has to have its tag, i.e. having a pixel alone is not suffcient!

Touchpoints stand for the various interactions and contact points that a customer has with a brand throughout their journey, from awareness to conversion and beyond. Some say that at least 7 touchpoints are required to go from awareness to conversion, but that is not necessary true as it depends on the product and service. However it is a fact that in most cases multiple touchpoints are a must!


Unique Visitor represents an individual user who visits a website within a specific time frame, regardless of how many times they visit. Thus, analysing the number of unique visitors rather than pageviews or sessions is more accurate for gauging the popularity of the website.


URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the web address used to access a specific webpage or resource on the internet. For example our homepage URL is https://searchthenest.com/ .


UTM Parameters (Urchin Tracking Module) are tags added to the end of a URL/link to track and analyze the performance of marketing campaigns, including parameters like source, medium, campaign, term, and content. You can use this website developed by Google to add UTMs to your desired links. Later you can see the results on your Google Analytics and analyse what source, medium or even keyword performed the best!


Increasingly popular, voice search happens when people use voice commands and digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to perform online searches and tasks. So when you ask your Google Home to find you the best pasta recipe you are voice searching!

Value Proposition is the  statement or message that communicates the unique benefits and value that a product or service offers to its customers. Having a clear value proposition is crucial when developing digital advertising texts, banners and videos because if it is not clear enough, chances are that the customers won’t respond to your ad! 

View-Through Conversion happens when a person viewed a display or video ad but doesn’t click on it initially and then later takes the desired action. So its is imperative to analyse view-through conversions of your display ds to have a full picture of how much they are helping to drive conversions!


A ‘walled garden’ refers to controlled and self-contained online environments where access to content and interactions is restricted or tightly regulated. Examples of walled gardens include social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as search engines such as Google and Bing. These platforms often exert significant control over the content and interactions that occur within their confines, creating a more closed-off experience compared to the open and unrestricted nature of the wider internet.

Web Analytics (also called data analytics) refers to the process of  collection, measurement, and analysis of website & app data to understand user behavior, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging web analytics you can understand who are your users, what content they resonate to and how they find you!


Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM) stands for marketing strategy that relies on customers and users sharing their positive experiences and recommendations about a product or service with others. Usually the brand gathers the testimonials and the runs display or video ads on social media and other networks to grow their brand credibility. 


YouTube Advertising refers to running video & display ads on YouTube platform, which can include various ad formats such as masthead ads, skippable ads, non-skippable ads, and more.

Yield refers to is the amount of revenue you earn from your ads. However, it is more common to refer to this as a ROI or ROAS.